Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Steve Wozniak And The Macbook Pro - 1609 Words

The aim of this assignment is to give a brief analysis and description of the life and work of Steve Wozniak and how his work on electronic devices such as the Apple II and the Macintosh computer have contributed to society and have changed and developed the world for good. To conclude, he made a significant impact on society during the late years of the 20th century, the early years of the 21st century and the present days. 2. Introduction Life goes on and we all develop, but along with the human race, something else continuously develops as time goes by. That is technology. From Vinyl records to CDs, the Nintendo GameCube to the PlayStation 4, and the IBM computer to the MacBook Pro. Technology changes as time goes by but the question†¦show more content†¦If Steve Wozniak hadn’t put his creativity into use, what would we be doing right now? 3.1. Early Life and Family Steve Wozniak was born in San Jose, California on August 11, 1950 to Margaret Kern and Jacob Francis Wozniak. His Father’s ancestry is Polish and Swiss German and his mother’s is German, Irish and English. Wozniak has been married four times but only has children with his second wife Candice Clark; these are Jesse, Sara, and Gary. Wozniak and Clark divorced in 1987. In 1989, he started to date and eventually marry Suzanne Mulkern in 1990. His first wife was Alice Robertson and his fourth and current wife is Janet Hill. Wozniak now spends his time teaching children about computers, hoping that they will follow in his footsteps. Wozniak discovered his interest in Mathematics in the Fourth Grade and the recognition and encouragement of his parents and teachers aided the development of his self-esteem. He cites his father and Tom Swift Junior as role models in the engineering world; both these men were engineers who invented airplanes and rocket ships. 3.2 Education In the fifth grade, Wozniak started to build his own radio transmitter and receiver and at the age of 11, he began building a machine, which he named a ‘ticktacktoe’ computer. A book about a ham radio operator inspired all of these things he made at a young age. When Wozniak started Junior High School, he won a blue ribbon at the Bay Area Science Fair for designing a

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