Friday, December 20, 2019

Ernest Hemingway Superficial Superiority Essay - 755 Words

Hemingway: Superficial Superiority -----------------------------------------------------------------. Throughout the short stories of Ernest Hemingway people of color and other ethnicities are deemed inferior by the caucasian- americans in the story despite being portrayed by Hemingway in a bad light. In Hemingway’s short stories he explores ideas of racism through the portrayal of white americans having a false sense of superiority over other races. One instance where Hemingway explores racism in his short stories is the treatment of, and the false cesarean power that the doctor has over the native americans in â€Å"Indian Camp†. Another example of racism in hemingways short stories is the American Woman wanting to use the padrone of the†¦show more content†¦Macomber ask Wilson, â€Å"What do we do [about the lion]?†. Wilson tells Macomber that there is â€Å"not much of a choice† and that sense the car can’t be brought across the bank of the river that they will â€Å"let [the lion] stiffen up a bit and then [they will] go in and have a look for him†. Immediately after Macomber realizes that he will have to be brave, risk his life, and go in and look for the lion he displays his cowardice and immediately starts to look for a way to not go in. Macomber comes up with an idea to save his own skin, so he asks Wilson a cynical question, â€Å"can’t we send beaters (native children that clear paths through the brush)?† to clear go and scare out the lion. Wilson says they can â€Å"but its just a touch murderous† as a â€Å"wounded lion’s going to ch arge† and â€Å"you can’t see him until you are right on top of him.† So it would be incredibly dangerous to send in the beaters as â€Å"somebody [is] bound to get mauled†. Yet if told to the boys would go in and look for the lion, the boys are more brave than macomber himself and yet he considers his life as superior to theirs as if they are expendable and his is not. As Macomber’s first idea was shot down he proposed another, â€Å"What about the gun bearers?†. Wilson replies to macomber saying, â€Å"oh they’ll go with us [...], they signed on for it. But they don’t look too happy though, do they?†. Yet again Macomber displays his cowardice under the

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