Sunday, December 29, 2019

Comparison Of James Scott s And Michel Foucault s...

Compare and contrast James Scott’s and Michel Foucault’s theories of power and resistance. In this essay I shall compare James Scott’s theory of power and resistance with Michel Foucault’s, as in what similarities do they share in their structure of theories; and contrast the difference as in their understanding of power, position they take to look for/into power, exercise of power and resistance in response. By contrasting the two approaches on the subject of power and resistance, I shall argue, if one wish to look for the powerful and the weak, Scott’s approach is the go to. But for now, I find Foucault’s idea more plausible that we are surrounded by or inescapable from power, and that by any means, are not necessarily forced to submission; rather as freedom the same time. Firstly, I shall compare the similarities the two idea shares. Both Scott and Foucault think power is more than being a form of coercion, that power is found in symbolic dimensions. Scott stated power and resistance can be spotted and take forms in language and discourse, that is conversation, statement, narratives made by the dominant and subordinates, in terms of what he purposes ‘public transcript’ and ‘hidden transcript’ accordingly. Similarly, Foucault see power as coextensive with language and discourse. However, Scott and Foucault has very different understanding of power. Scott thinks power is something that is externally imposed on mankind’s social life, whereas Foucault thinks power isShow MoreRelatedOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pages. Organization Theory Challenges and Perspectives John McAuley, Joanne Duberley and Phil Johnson . This book is, to my knowledge, the most comprehensive and reliable guide to organisational theory currently available. What is needed is a text that will give a good idea of the breadth and complexity of this important subject, and this is precisely what McAuley, Duberley and Johnson have provided. They have done some sterling service in bringing together the very diverse strands of workRead MoreContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words   |  846 Pagesreflect on the contributions which Michael Bromwich has made. He played an important role in the diffusion of modern practices of capital investment appraisal in the United Kingdom. He has been constantly open to the insights which advances in economic theory can provide into the accounting art, in many areas pushing at the frontiers of international knowledge in his own quiet way. In the area of costing, Michael has undoubtedly deepened our understandings of both conceptual and practical issues, in recent

Friday, December 20, 2019

Ernest Hemingway Superficial Superiority Essay - 755 Words

Hemingway: Superficial Superiority -----------------------------------------------------------------. Throughout the short stories of Ernest Hemingway people of color and other ethnicities are deemed inferior by the caucasian- americans in the story despite being portrayed by Hemingway in a bad light. In Hemingway’s short stories he explores ideas of racism through the portrayal of white americans having a false sense of superiority over other races. One instance where Hemingway explores racism in his short stories is the treatment of, and the false cesarean power that the doctor has over the native americans in â€Å"Indian Camp†. Another example of racism in hemingways short stories is the American Woman wanting to use the padrone of the†¦show more content†¦Macomber ask Wilson, â€Å"What do we do [about the lion]?†. Wilson tells Macomber that there is â€Å"not much of a choice† and that sense the car can’t be brought across the bank of the river that they will â€Å"let [the lion] stiffen up a bit and then [they will] go in and have a look for him†. Immediately after Macomber realizes that he will have to be brave, risk his life, and go in and look for the lion he displays his cowardice and immediately starts to look for a way to not go in. Macomber comes up with an idea to save his own skin, so he asks Wilson a cynical question, â€Å"can’t we send beaters (native children that clear paths through the brush)?† to clear go and scare out the lion. Wilson says they can â€Å"but its just a touch murderous† as a â€Å"wounded lion’s going to ch arge† and â€Å"you can’t see him until you are right on top of him.† So it would be incredibly dangerous to send in the beaters as â€Å"somebody [is] bound to get mauled†. Yet if told to the boys would go in and look for the lion, the boys are more brave than macomber himself and yet he considers his life as superior to theirs as if they are expendable and his is not. As Macomber’s first idea was shot down he proposed another, â€Å"What about the gun bearers?†. Wilson replies to macomber saying, â€Å"oh they’ll go with us [...], they signed on for it. But they don’t look too happy though, do they?†. Yet again Macomber displays his cowardice under the

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Business Foundation Organizational Environment

Question: Discuss about the Business Foundationfor Organizational Environment Answer: Introduction Organizational environment in any business firm contains both internal and external factors. Environment should be scan for determining the development as well as forecasting the factors that can encourage the success and achievements of organization. Environmental scanning or observation means the ownership and usage of data and information regarding patterns, occasions, trend as well as relationship in the internal and external environment of organization (Bhatt et al., 2015). The analysis of internal and external environment helps the managers for deciding the ways of future of the company. Scanning of internal and external environments helps in identifying the opportunities and threats which exists in the environment. Here, the researcher will show the scanning of internal and external environment of Amazon India. Amazon should take the advantages of the opportunities and reduce the threats. The report will mainly focus on the SWOT analysis, which helps the company to know its strength and weakness, opportunities and threats (Axelrod, 2015). The report will also show the business concept which is related to a new product that will be relevant to the company. The researcher will even analyze the external and internal environment along with identification of a relevant strategy and also develop a new product for Amazon to introduce it in the target market. Background of the Company Amazon Company is one of the largest online retailers in the world as it provides a wide range of products and goods like electronics, books, and fashion product from man to woman and baby to old persons. Amazon was promoted in the year 1994 by Jeff Bezos. The company also has its own website i.e., which was launched in the year 1995 from where the customers can buy the merchandise (BELEW, 2011). The company even operates internally through its websites. Apart from India, now the firm has operations and functioning in Asia, Europe and North America. In the year 1999, the company expanded with the acquisition of stakes in,, Home and The company offers varieties of predicts and services with the help of its trademark, e- commerce site. The goods provided by the firm consists merchandise purchased for reselling from vendors and then goods provided by the third party sellers (Malaga, 2012). Amazon is mainly operates through three segments of business that are North America, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and International. The AWS business segment earns revenues from the storage, sales of compute and another AWS service for enterprise, academic institutions and government agencies (McNally, Akdeniz and Calantone, 2011). Amazon entered into a partnership with Triggit, which is San Francisco Company for the purpose of strengthening its focus and target on online display advertisement business. Besides this, the company even entered into a non- exclusive licensing agreement that allows the customers of Amazon for streaming TV shows from CBSs library (Malaga, 2012). The company also launched anew customers education center that is Amazon 3D 101 which is anon- stop information and at the same time shopping center for the entire merchandise that is related to 3D (Radford, 2014). In the year 2010, the firm had launched a new Sports and Outdoor Store and shop that offers various pro ducts related to sports activities. SWOT Table Amazon is one of the top online retailer companies across the world, but though it has a lot of competitors the firm has a strong base of loyal customers who constantly buy the products provided by Amazon through online retailing site of the company (Farooqi, 2013). Here, in the following SWOT analysis has been shown in a table format. Strength Strong background and deep pockets Customer centric Cost Leadership Efficient and Effective delivery network GLOCAL strategy Acquisition Weakness Shrinking margins Tax Avoidance Issue High Debt Product flops Opportunities Backward Integration Global Expansion Acquisition of E- Commerce Opening of physical shops outside India Threats Low entry barriers and obstacles of the company Government Control and Regulation Local Competition( Snapdeal and Flipkart in India) Market Description Amazon has launched its site in India in June 2013, Amazon India and had made rapid advances from then. The company is now ahead from its competitors in e-commerce market of India such as Snapdeal and Flipkart (What next for Amazon of India?, 2015). The company has crossed its rivals in the country e-commerce market in terms of gross sales. The company has generated revenue more than $2billion and has invested more than it for spreading its market in the e-commerce market commerce of India. E-commerce sales in India in year 2016 were around $ 14-15 billion as estimated by e-commerce executives, investors and research institutes. Market leaders of e-commerce sector are now largely focused on how the sluggishness of the e-commerce has exacerbated. As the current online retail market is low, Amazon could take a more time to examine and realize its stated objective of making India as the second-biggest market in the world after US over the next some years (What next for Amazon of India?, 2015). The company has made clear intention to dominate the countrys market and pose a massive challenge for the Indias domestic e-commerce market. The main reason that Amazon wants to dominate the Indias e-commerce market is the fact that the specified country poses a very high young population which is more than 65%. These percentages of people are under the age of 35 and that provides a huge marketplace for Amazon (Zogjani and Rai, 2015). But the major concern for the company is the fact that 60% of the countrys population still lives in rural areas of the country and is not connected to the internet. The country could face some serious concern by this fact but the literacy rate of India is increasing and company could develop an innovative business model, starting with finding the products to sell. Findings Explanation of the SWOT Table Strengths Amazon established on its early achievements with books, the company now has products categories which consists electronics, games, kitchen, toys and home and kitchen with brown goods as well as white goods. Amazon has developed as a world E-commerce giant in almost last 2 decades (Ho, 2008). Also, the industrys robust CRM has formed consumer centric methods for the purpose of recoding data and information on consumers purchasing nature carefully and relevantly. The company also claims that 55% of their consumers are repeat purchases that results in lower cost of acquiring a new purchaser. For the purpose of differentiating itself, Amazon also created various different strategic support and alliances with various other industries in order to provide superior customers service (Monitoring as a Means of External and Internal Environment Control, 2017). Weaknesses Due to extensive delivery network and cost wars the companys margins are shrinking that result in losses. In India, Amazon had losses of about $359 crs in the year 2013-14. The company has attracted negative advertisement on account of Tax Avoidance in the UK and US and large of its revenues from these entire well established market strategies (Insley and Nunan, 2014). In various developing countries the company is struggling for marketing the business profitable that affects the entire profits of the group and turns it into High Debt. Opportunities Amazon can come up along with its In-House brands in various other product categories and they can even distinct their offerings that will help them make profits in quite high competitive E- commerce markets (Gillies, 2016). In terms of global expansion, in Asian countries and developing economies will also help the company as these are the markets which in low competition in E-n commerce companies and also not drenched like developed economies (Van?k, Mikol and Ã… ½vkov, 2012). Threats Amazon bears the threat of low entry barriers that affects the recent players business as company much means tough competition, shrinking margins, losses and price wars that leads to the question to the sustainability of the players (Szobiov, 2015). The company even does not have clarity on the problems that are related to Foreign Direct Investment in many multi brand retails which has been a large obstacle in the achievements of E- commerce players in various developing nations. Recommendations Target Market Amazon India, mainly targets its loyal customers and also future customers as the customers across the world nationally and internationally wants and demands for a huge selection at their affordable prices mainly in low costs and along with this, they also want a convenient shopping experience (McNally, Akdeniz and Calantone, 2011). When Amazon started its operation in India, the management of Amazon observes a quite healthy traction as well as identifies that demands are continuously growing in from tier 2 and tier 3 cities. The power of E- commerce has helped a lot in order to take their sellers and brands to every single corner of the country as well as to the foreign countries. Currently, mobile shopping from the Amazon app growing gradually and gradually, so the company targets on a light app, low page loading cost and also payments for increasing customer experience constantly (McNally, Akdeniz and Calantone, 2011). As Amazon is a customer oriented company, so the firm allows t heir customers for shopping anytime, anywhere and in any possible way. The company also targets the Aur Dikhao Campaign that has attracted almost every Indian customer which has increased more and more purchasing behavior of the customers. New Product Description It is recommended that Amazon India should start to sell organic food products in India. Farm production is always well-regarded and values in the country with an understanding of bio-network and future generations (Millson, 2013). The food currently available in current market is laden with chemical fertilizers and pesticides creating an abundant produce. The people of India are gaining their attentions towards healthy lifestyle as India is developing world. Amazon must try to capture the organic foods market as soon as possible to create its positive brand image. The organic products must be available 365 days. The place would be the trusted online site of Amazon India. Company could do the promotions by advertising and promotions that must portray the benefits of utilizing organic food items. The pricing strategy must be kept reasonable as people of India dont like to spend too much on foods. Customer Value Preposition As India is still an agricultural based country, organic food items could create a credible performance in the upcoming years (Millson, 2013). The expectancy of healthy lifestyle and healthy food has increased in India as the country is heading towards a self-sufficient country. The advertisement of benefit of having organic foods could influence the citizens in buying organic items. There is huge number of potential buyers in the country that got aware on organic products and has already started to buy it. Justification of the Choice of new Product Selling of organic foods and home delivery of it has become popular in India and growers are having a hard time to meet the demand of the consumers. This would be great product to sell on the online website of Amazon India as the company has strong background and deep pockets in selling organic goods in US (Bhatt et al., 2015). Amazon India has also got customer attention towards its which would help it to create awareness about organic food items. References Axelrod, A. (2015). Box: Natural Language Processing Research Using Amazon Web Services.The Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 104(1). BELEW, S. (2011).Starting an online business all-in-one for dummies. 1st ed. Hoboken: John wiley. Bhatt, D., Shah, P., Laslett, L., Waits, T. and Anderson, H. (2015).Environmental Scanning Report Update 2015. 1st ed. 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